Since some users own several versions, the sum may be greater than 100%. Numista does not buy or sell coins or banknotes.įrequencies show the percentage of Numista users who own each year or variety among all the users who own this coin. They serve as an indication only they are not intended to be relied upon for buying, selling or exchanging. Designed by Adolph Weinman and also referred to as the Winged Liberty Head dime, it gained its common name because the obverse depiction of a young Liberty, identifiable by her winged Phrygian cap, was confused with the Roman god Mercury. They are based on evaluations by Numista users and sales realized on Internet platforms. The Mercury dime is a ten-cent coin struck by the United States Mint from late 1916 to 1945. Values in the table above are expressed in UAH. Please sign in or create an account to manage your collection. The distance is larger on the small 'S' pieces compared to the large 'S' pieces: The difference between the 1941 small 'S' and regular 'S' is the distance between the lowest branch and the top of the 'S'.